Never in my worst nightmares...
...could I have imagined becoming a "semi"-regular at these social networks. But sometimes this is just the way the cookie crumbles or the dice rolls.
And I must admit, there's actually much more going on than I had expected.
So - why is this subject coming up here and now? Quite possible some of you quick thinkers "feel" already what's coming and yes, you are right.
Soon you can hear again the famous cry "Let's roll" being carried over all the way to Higgs Beach and what better time than now to add another call to arms: BocceManiacs Unite.
Please Note: Captain's Meeting on Wednesday, August 5, at Shanna Key! Check the official site for the latest announcements!
Bocce is without a doubt the most social gathering, ignore the Arts, and most of us play bocce just for that reason, see some old friends whom you otherwise wouldn't see but twice a year on the street just passing by and a quick hello.
Now to this tournament which was posted on the official web site, a benefit tournament for Terry, one can't help but wonder why this has been kept so quiet all this time!
Over 2 month have passed since the announcement and as far as I know the registration for the upcoming season is rapidly nearing, why can't we combine these 2 events? The league would not be involved with this weekend event, for good reasons, but wouldn't it be in teir best interest to support at least verbally this worthwhile cause. And a weekend affair like that would perhaps encourage more people give it a try to learn the game of BOCCE. People who might not want to join the league but would occasionally enjoy a good game of Bocce and learn what it's all about.
If anybody knows what happened, why the enthusiasm faded faster then it was sparked, please let me know.
"BOCCEMANIACS UNITE" - check back at FaceBook for more detailed info within the next 2 weeks.
Have Fun,
Bocce Gazette